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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mission "Me (Recharged)": Introduction

Fall and Winter are gone, Spring is here, Summer is coming. With that being said, I don't desire to acquire the notorious "beach body" or "bikini body" via dropping a ton of weight. If you have a body/ love your body, and you have a swimsuit ... you have a bikini body and are beach ready. 

However, I am ready to break out of my comfort zone to get back to my comfort zone. Let me explain. 

According to BMI, I'm morbidly obese. What do you think of when you hear that term? Someone bed ridden and handicapped by their excess weight? That's what I think of, at least. Not a fatty that loves her bike. Apparently, to be considered a healthy 25-year-old, I'm supposed to weigh between 120 - 153 pounds though. Tuh. I haven't been one hundred and anything since junior high school, and don't wish to go back. I know a lot of chicks like to claim that, before proceeding to do something drastic to get to that size, BUT I actually mean it. If I had a magic wand that could instantly make me any size without work or consequences, I STILL wouldn't dare drop below 200 pounds. I don't care (I don't care, I don't care) what society or any medical professional has to say. Not everyone is meant to be slim and petite, I was nearly 9 pounds at birth. (Hear me), not everyone genuinely desires to be slim and petite. 

In 2014, I dropped to 245 pounds. SOLID. Technically, I was still morbidly obese, I was still fat, but according to me and myself ... I was goooooood. I wasn't deprived/ starving or slaving in a gym. I simply was very conscious of what I was consuming, active in my everyday life, and in control of my feelings/ actions/ emotions. I lived realistically. I was comfortable and morbidly fineeee AF.

Fast forward through tragedy, sudden death, lots of loss, and heartbreak ... without actually noticing, I lost control of my feelings and emotions in 2015. You may recall me sharing this. I called myself working through the pain without taking any time to grieve, not wanting to be idle. My focus was strong and my sponsor list, audience, and (blog) work load all massively increased. I started to receive more revenue ($) for my labor. I was BUSY! Too busy to stop, breathe, and cook myself a meal, so I ate out everyday. Too busy to tend to all of my feelings, so I filled up with junk. Ah, yes. Unconsciously stress eating like I was 17 again. But, I was much too comfortable being busy to notice. Until ALL my jeans with zippers no longer fit. 

I ended up gaining over 30 pounds before taking control back. But, this is certainly not a before and after type of thing. I don't really rock with those. Needless to say, I ABSOLUTELY still believe i'm the sugar honey iced tea, with WaWa's crushed ice, and a lemon on the rim. So there's no melancholy "before" shot. There will just be ME, and then ME (RECHARGED). 

Back and I'm Better

The Bestie Bar believes that as humans, we live for a connection, and their mission is to continue to support these connections all while promoting a  healthy atmosphere. We all have that friend that can finish your sentence 99.9% of the time. That friend that you can share the most confidential information with. That friend that you trust with your fears, insecurities, and heart. The Bestie Bar was created to healthily nurture that bond. 

Evidently, I'm THAT FRIEND to a lot of my readers ... and vice versa, actually. I live in my (bold, daring, outspoken, profane, sometimes petty) truth and I bare all. You never know who you're helping by keeping it GENUINE and not just sharing what you think brands and sponsors want to see from "a blogger like you". You never know who simply needed to be informed that they're not alone in whatever they're going through.

I've been teaming with The Bestie Bar to reach my personal goal of 25 pounds by August. 
Find out more about TBB's program and my progress during the initial trial HERE!

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