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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Bestie Bar Detox: Trial Review

for your exclusive discount! 

So, now that you're full of info, I can carry on.

I wanted to first express that contrary to belief, it's totally acceptable to love the hell out of yourself regardless while simultaneously setting and smashing your own individual, personal goals. They say comparison is the thief of happiness. I'd like to add that relying on others' opinions about how you should live your life is a joy burglar as well. Set your goals and don't be persuaded that it's too much or too little, because you're the one that has to carry it out.

I stopped extreme dieting many years ago. Sure you get results, but you're a slave to counting calories and tracking footsteps and throwing away the best part of the chicken. That's no way to live. I know that for me, consuming the correct serving sizes of what I desire (moderation) works best. 

Ain't no diet, bih. 

The Bestie Bar provided me with the DAYtox tea, the SLEEPtox tea, and the Physic' Candy. You can get all three of these as a kit, or a double kit for you and your sis! I must say, I was initially skeptical about these things because all I could imagine was the surgically built Insta-hunnies holding tea up that they don't need or use. So I've never considered actually trying products when they were offered to me before. However, Whitney (CEO) made me comfortable knowing this product is hers and is organic. And so May 5th, I began.

I was instructed to take the green tea based "candy" (supplement) in the morning, and the DAYtox loose leaf tea shortly afterwards with my breakfast. The SLEEPtox tea is consumed every other night. Be sure to drink lots of water, and eat, even when I don't want to.

Thinking about it, I laughed when she told me I was going to forget about eating at times. I have quite the appetite (that increases significantly under stress). But I took her word.

The Effects

Lo and behold. I was eating at 8:00 AM, good for the day, then extremely hungry again by 10 PM. The whole day!? All my cravings subsided and I have a purse full of singles from not raiding the vending machine. But skipping your meals and/ or not drinking enough water while partaking in a detox is not it. It made me feel bad when I accidentally let that happen.

Otherwise, I ate throughout the entire day and was not limited to bird food and salad.

The first day, I urinated at least 10 times. Wearing a jumpsuit, lol #WardrobeFail.

The fourth day, my friend brought me Chik-Fil-A. I thought by not upsizing that I'd be able to finish but could only eat half. Never in my life. I was halfway mad, because I wanted to kill those waffle fries. But I felt queasy overeating while using the product.

Week one, without strenuous exercise, I was down 5 pounds. May 20th was the end of my trial and I was down 8 pounds. Impressive. Very impressive. Moreso than the water (weight) loss, I was more thrilled about the way I felt. Energized and light (as opposed to sluggish and weighed down) and that my "other chin" was subtle.

I'm off the product at this moment and for now, but my appetite is still slightly suppressed. I'd gotten accustomed to the regime. I would definitely like to try another round, with increased activity. The sweat sash from the shop is EPIC. Let's see if I can step my "cookies" up for June! 

for your exclusive discount! 

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