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Monday, March 24, 2014

Eye Candy #OOTD + Charisma's (Not So) Small Talk

No amount of self-improvement can make up for an original lack of self-acceptance. Being greater is the goal, definitely, but do you love who you are TODAY?

Whatever your self-improvement goal is, don't neglect the BEFORE version of yourself, because once you reach the AFTER, you'll still have a void space. You'll still feel empty. You'll NEVER actually be good enough. It'll always be something else you need to change before you feel you can accept yourself. I speak to women everyday who go through this, women who thought once they completed a superficial task (losing weight, toning, even surgeries), the internal hate towards their own bodies and their own existence would disappear. That starts from deep within. Self-love is deeper than being the greatest only after you lose weight or after you become successful at something. Honestly, there is no step by step guide for it either ... just do it. One step at a time.

Do you love yourself TODAY? Do you love your "before"? You better, beautiful.

♥ Charisma

#OOTD #StyleOnaBudget

Eye Candy Inc. Boutique  Spring Flower Jeans (Green) - Sent for Review
Forever 21 Polka Crop - SOLD OUT $9.80
Rainbow Studded/ Chain Bag - $24.80 
KahYoot Earrings - "Gigi" Handmade Earrings $15 

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