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Thursday, November 27, 2014

... and I'm STILL Shopping this Weekend.

While I try to keep my blog related to style and self-assurance, I'm very opinionated and set solid in my ways. I'm an adult, with plenty of sense. It is moderately difficult to adjust my beliefs. I'd think you'd be moreso worried about yours though ... why am I (and MY BUSINESS) so significant?

Digressing, despite all of these anti-Black Friday "movements' that have suddenly surfaced this year, because people are emotional about the bullshit Mike Brown verdict (that we all saw coming), I will be going shopping tonight. Why?

  • SOLELY skipping Black Friday will not change a damn thing. I'm sorry. Not really. Be honest with about this thing. "It's bigger than a TV on sale" you all keep telling me. Well. If that's the case, sounds like we need a bigger, long-lasting, relevant, organized plan of action then right? One that isn't based on instant/ emotional reaction and social media, One that will bring about actual change, withstand, and survive. One > skipping the $5 coffee pot deal. 

  •  Miss me with all of the "do you even know the origin of Black Friday?" nonsense. You weren't saying that in 2005, or even last year when you were out shopping. 
  • To Hell with any celebrity chiming in and supporting this particular "movement". If you're making 9 figures annually against my 5 figures ... you have NO SAY in regards to when and where I make the purchases you are able to make year-round. How much has B.O.B. and Tyrese donated to black businesses this year? How many campaigns have they organized geared towards the bigger picture? While Londrelle Hall and Ray Mills ran to Ferguson (20 days straight), did they even hop on their private jets and pay Ferguson a visit this year? How many TV's do they have in their mansions? I'll wait... 

  • For everyone boycotting Walmart and Black Friday, how many of you all purchased the contents of your Thanksgiving dinner from Walmart earlier this week and will be back in there next week after the hype is deceased? If they offered something you actually wanted tomorrow (discounted) would you still be standing with the "cause"? Is there a limit to your "beliefs"? I'm getting my TV tonight, which is technically a Thursday. If you'll continue shopping there after the weekend, we're BOTH in the same (crowded) boat. 
  • It's not protesting if you're ACTUALLY not going because your funds are low this year ... *sips tea*
  • Black Friday has been the busiest shopping day of the entire year for 9 consecutive years. Apparently, we're supposed to be showcasing our "black economic power" this year by staying home because we saw a meme on Instagram telling us to do so. Statistically speaking, the majority of post-Thanksgiving shoppers are NOT black people. Whether you choose to miss out on the $9 griddle or not, please believe that Walmart will STILL have 6 of 19 registers open and they'll be wrapped around the store. 

  • "Shop black businesses" has been drilled into my brain all week. Can't find any locally that will accommodate not only my extensive shopping list, but more importantly, my tight budget. That's a problem. Well, not for Walmart, but you get my point. 
  • I feel like the "War on Workers" Black Friday protest is a more legitimate declaration of objection. It actually makes sense. Frustrated workers wanting the holidays off + protest = understandable. A disappointing verdict/ indictment + discounted television = uncorrelated. 

  • Why would I NOT purchase something I greatly desire (but was too expensive ALL YEAR LONG) that is 80% off tonight only? Send me the $600 price difference (rent?) and i'll unnecessarily but gladly stay home. 
Unlike those who disagree with me, i'm not asking or wanting you to feel as I feel. Unlike the people running their mouths the most about the whole situation, I've closely followed the story since August, I've donated to the legal support fund for Mike Brown, I've prayed until I was exhausted several nights about the problems "they" don't seem to notice. I'll also be at Walmart as the sun sets tonight, and don't owe an explanation regarding that decision. God is and will always be in control. Never forget. 

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