Sunday, January 12, 2014

#OOTD + "Viva La Vintage" Update

Today I wore the first dress I ever scooped up from the good ol' thrift store, about 3 years ago. Her name is Violeta ^_^ I remember thinking how frumpy it looked on the hanger, but loving the pattern (and the fact that it was $2.50) encouraged me to try it on anyway. I'd always had a liking for "outdated" fashion, and had built quite the collection of "old lady earrings" thanks to my grandmother, but, I only had trendy fashion garments that had that classic look. Nothing really vintage. I remember initially not being too engaged in the experience, being a little repulsed by the odor, and wanting to go to the mall. I remember my attitude completely changing after going to the Fitting Room. That day, I left with a garbage bag (because that's what the thrift store give you, lol) FULL of what are now some of my favorite pieces. I had earrings, belts, a few dresses, a couple tops ... for $12. 

Since then, I still don't go too often (workaholic) but it's one of my favorite hobbies. The amazing anxiety of not knowing what you're gonna find, the excitement about all the things you're getting for price of a take-out meal, the challenge of giving these pieces life again, the thrill of knowing no one else will have it on. Everything. Because i'm an old soul anyway, I always find pieces that speak to my personal style preferences ONLY at thrift stores. 

Violeta dressed down during Summer 2013 

Have you visited my Thrifting Tips blog post? 


On January 24, 2014, I will be having a very small closet sale featuring some unique, retro pieces. I'm thinking about 20 pieces will be available, sizing 14-18. I have a few dresses, a couple fairs of shorts, thing I've been collecting over the past few months. First come/ pay will receive the item. I will post pictures of the items via blog post with material details, sizing, and the always low prices I present :) 

There may be a delay in shipping if you purchase immediately, as i'm only making just one trip to the post office. I'll include all of those details within the sale blog post and will post a reminder.

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