Sunday, August 11, 2013

G I V E A W A Y !

I will be hosting a small giveaway this week! The package will include this blouse (from the AWESOME online thrift store Admirable Stylz), along with a couple other things i'm not sure about yet.


1) Be approximately a size 14, as that's what size the items are. Sorry :( 
2) Follow my blog 
3) Tag me on Instagram (@charisma_monroe) in a picture from my blog saying (something like): 
"Charisma is giving me vintage  goodies! Are you following her blog yet?!"

Deadline: Thursday, August 13, 2013, 5:00 PM 
The winner will be chosen/ drawn and announced on Thursday evening, August 15, 2013

Good luck & thanks for your support ^_^

Queen Charisma

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