Saturday, April 5, 2014

For a Friend this Morning...

No matter how busy/ occupied someone claims to be, how many things are crammed on to their agenda, in the end they will MAKE time for what they feel is important. Too busy to eat, sleep, breathe, & bathe #OrNah? Things that are beneficial and significant in their lives will always make the agenda. While you're over there getting scratched off every time.

There's no magical moment where it'll get better, stop letting him spoon feed you bullshit. Stop getting dragged along. Stop being naive, girl. 

President Barack Obama is leading the country and he makes time for his woman; at any given moment Michelle is right by his side conducting business WITH him. I can't take an excuse from a normal dude if the commander-in-chief of the USA isn't even giving them out. 

Why settle for it? Are excuses all you're worth? 

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